Local Emergency Planning Committee - LEPC

Wisconsin Emergency Management/State Emergency Response Commission (WEM/SERC)

WEM/SERC is responsible for implementing the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) also known as the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 at the state and local levels. WEM/SERC has designated that each of the 72 counties in Wisconsin have Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) that are set up in accordance with the federal legislation and who are responsible for implementation of EPCRA at the county level. WEM/SERC further designated that the county emergency management director shall be a member of the LEPC to ensure continuity and coordination of emergency response planning. 

For more information, please go to the State WEM/SERC website.

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

Jefferson County is designated as an emergency planning district and has a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to administer the local program. LEPC membership includes local elected officials, members of emergency response agencies and representatives for transportation, public works, the media, community groups, environmental groups and operators of affected facilities.

LEPCs are responsible for receiving and maintaining filings of facility submissions. They also maintain a countywide emergency response plan, develop and maintain facilities' offsite emergency response plans and the county's hazard analysis for both fixed facilities and transportation. LEPCs assess the county hazmat response resources and equipment, respond to public requests for information under "community right-to-know" law, and conduct hazmat training and exercises.

Jefferson County LEPC Documents

  • Membership List (02/12/19 Update in progress - will post as soon as the new list is available)
  • Bylaws

Citizens Involvement

Jefferson County Residents are welcome and encouraged to participate in local government boards, committees, and commissions. Please contact Donna Haugom for information on how to become involved at 920-674-7450 or donnah@jeffersoncountywi.gov.